Our Sustainability Statement

Sustainability Pathways is committed to sustainability in our business practices, including our purchases. We vet our purchases to make sure, in our best awareness, the 3 P'S of Sustainability are addressed: People, Planet and Prosperity.

  • People: the people who contributed to bringing the product or service have been treated with equity, work in a safe environment and are paid a living wage

  • Planet: the product was created with consciousness of conserving and respecting the resources from Mother Earth.

  • Prosperity: Sustainability Pathways uses its purchasing power to support companies and individuals who act responsibly and sustainably.

Sustainability Pathways holds itself responsible to

  • Continue to educate ourselves about sustainable issues and trends so we can provide our clients with responsible and sustainable every-day choices.

  • Consistently scan the media for the best alternatives for our daily sustainability choices

  • Investigate the social and economic justice impacts of our supply chains.

As a Certified Sustainability Consultant, I help people make positive changes in the world through their life style and business.

  • My intention is that clients become educated, therefore more aware; that they become engaged in the practical ways to live more sustainably; and that they empower themselves to change their behavior and influence others.

  • My passion is to help people connect to Mother Earth, even in cities and

    • To show people new ways pursue their sustainable journey,

    • To enhance health, happiness and prosperity, while conserving Mother Earth’s resources,

    • To approach sustainability not from obligation but from love and respect,

    • To help people examine their current situation and decide how to improve it. I want clients to consider more deeply their personal connection to Mother Earth.

My Re-certification as ISSP-SA

I am happy to report that in March 2019, I completed my re-certification with the International Society of Sustainable Professionals (ISSP) as a Sustainability Associate (SA), submitting a total of 42 CEUs. There are three parts to certification: 1) Professional Practice and Participation, 2) Development of Profession / Volunteerism, and 3) Education. I volunteered at Golden Gate University and produced a sorting workshop called “Where the Bleep Does This Go?” I also volunteered at the Pachamama Alliance to re-certify them as a San Francisco Green Business.

My ISSP-SA certification demonstrates my commitment as a Certified Sustainability Consultant. It also illustrates that I stay informed of the social, environmental and political issues and opportunities that impact the sustainability of our world. My ongoing studies inform me of actionable ways we all can act more sustainably in the home and in the office. I bring all of this to my clients and community.

My Story

  • As a child, I lived on a farm in the Sacramento Valley. I helped my dad take care of cows and baby calves. There were pigeons, owls, mice and rats in the Big Red Barn. I saw how the cats helped control the mice and rat problem. It was hard at first because I had pet mice, hamsters and hooded rats. Seeing kittens grow up to kill mice was a life lesson. I saw the interconnectedness of nature there on the farm.

  • On the farm, I was close to nature and Mother Earth even if I took it for granted at the time. “You can take the girl out of the country but you cannot take the country out of the girl.” Now living in my beloved San Francisco, I see nature emerging through the cracks in sidewalks as I walk on our city streets. I see the Marin Redwood forests in the wood used to build our Victorian homes in San Francisco.

  • My Epiphany in 2015: There I was, sitting in the car with my mentor in Monterey, CA waiting for the bus back to San Francisco. I had been talking with my mentor, whose business is Design for Sustainability, exploring how I could incorporate sustainability into my new business. Suddenly I just knew that I would work with individuals and small businesses — people I already knew. Previously I’d been working as an event planner trying to convince planners to have more sustainable events. Now I could work with just about anybody because sustainability is for everybody.

  • Back at home I found out about the International Society for Sustainability Professionals (ISSP), started studying for the exam and was certified in March 2016. I completed my re-certification in March 2019.

  • As I began my sustainability studies, I began to feel the pain of the social, environmental and economic injustices. At first I was judgmental not understanding that I was here to inform not to preach. It took a little while to see a holistic view and to respond to it with love, not fear.

To see what Sustainability Pathways is all about. 
