




Responsible and


Business and Life Style!

There are many pathways to Sustainability. Each of us has our own. At Sustainability Pathways you find guides to create your unique path. We all want to protect our environment but sometimes we struggle to find our BEST path to sustainability.  Sustainability Pathways has done the research and guides you to build your unique Green Champion Sustainability Action Plan and to equip you with practices that empower YOUR Sustainable, Responsible, and Prosperous business.

At Sustainability Pathways you find your

BEST Path to Sustainability


Do you struggle to make the BEST Sustainability choices?

Do you feel angry, frustrated or helpless, wishing you could fix the planet crisis?

Do you have eco-anxiety? Read the symptoms

What is in the way of you simply making your BEST Sustainability choices?

Sustainability Pathways has a plan. We are here because you care and you need to do something.


Reduce Eco Anxiety

Eco anxiety is: “chronic fear of environmental doom — the concern that increasing human development and pollution are leading us into an inevitable scourge of floods, famines, heat waves, species extinctions, and ultimately, the demise of our planet.


Find peace of mind and relief by doing little things that make a BIG difference.

We love to do the research and glean actionable practices to share with you.


Wave a wand over your existing world in a Green Champion Breakthrough Hour.

See what it takes for you to be your most sustainable, responsible and prosperous in business and life. Schedule now

Sustainability Pathway guides your journey

Do you worry about the dire situation we are in? I do. I have Eco-anxiety. I’ve been there. I get anxious every time I watch the news. So, I can walk with you along your path to sustainability because I’ve been down that path myself.

My sustainability certification requires CEUs so I stay current with the current trends and issues and solutions. I love to do the research, always scanning for actions that we can take as individuals at home and at work.

I consider myself a Green Champion because I put my care into action.

I help other Green Champions experience more empowerment and less frustration with a well-designed, clear, organized Green Champion Action Plan. You may feel you do not have enough time to find out what BEST actions to take. You may need support to do it. You may be looking for tips. You may need to know how talk to others about sustainability because sometimes it is a touchy subject. You may need more education.

My clients experience empowerment when they work with me. They experience peace of mind, knowing that the actions they have on their Green Champion Action Plan are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant, Timely). They know they can adjust their Action Plan as they achieve goals and set new ones. They open their world to more choices. They may identify new values, interests and needs.

Here are my thoughts, philosophies, and ideas about sustainability:

  • The 3 P'S of Sustainability are my holistic framework

  • We are Empowered by knowing little steps make a BIG difference

  • We engage so that we can share with people in our sphere of influence

  • We have fun discovering and learning

Work with me. Together, we will

  • Address apathy: "Why do you bother? The problems are so BIG."

  • Create a value statement to guide your sustainability choices.

  • Reduce or eliminate eco-anxiety.

  • Work in community: Facebook, Green Champion Partner Community, Green teams.

  • Take time to celebrate, rest and follow your bliss at your own pace

Let’s work together and move toward your desired outcomes:

  • Create your initial Action Plan at your Breakthrough Hour

  • Achieve the goals in your action plan

  • Share your successes and challenges in the group

  • Report on how you’re applying the 3 P'S of Sustainability to your choice of actions

See real progress in a short period of time:

  • Incorporate actions and mindsets from each of the 7 R'S of Sustainability

  • Track what you learn and the practices you can share with others as you achieve action plan goals

  • Play games such as Spin the Tail Sustainability

  • Be more attuned to Good Stories

What else I can do to assist your transformation:

  • Engagement in social media group such as Green Champions

  • Get certified! Promote your business as sustainable

  • Participate in and create Green teams

  • Be Accountable in our group program


Sustainability Pathways offers


Community and Conversation

Join the conversation, share, collaborate, and network.


Relief from Uncertainty

What are your best choices to being sustainable? Actions at home, at the store, as a neighbor, as a shopper and as a worker!

Integration of all the practices you have learned.

There is a ‘learning something new to do’ and then there’s ‘making it a habit.’


Peace of Mind

Specific holistic actions and practices to interrupt the take–make-waste mentality of the linear economy, to save the planet.

Access to the 7 R’S of Sustainability

Six important things to do before you consider recycling something you need to get rid of


Practices to Reduce Waste

Properly dispose of toxic products, make confusion-free decisions, choose pragmatic alternatives to the throw away mentality.

My clients face problems I can help solve. I help my clients learn to be more sustainable. I provide education, research and a calm listening ear. They often experience feelings of anger, frustration or apathy. The solutions I provide bring what they really want: peace of mind. They want to feel peace, security and safety knowing that they are on a clear path with their Green Champion Action Plan. Together we discover fun, simple and easy Sustainable actions that Educate, Engage and Empower.

My clients come to me for more than just little sustainable things that will make a BIG difference. They love my passionate conviction that we are changing the world one step at a time. Sustainability Pathways is a pathway with heart. My clients appreciate their gain in confidence that their actions will make a difference. They love working in community

To learn more about Sustainability Pathways:

(Bonus for Subscribing: You get the “7 R’S of Sustainability Guide” FREE)