7 R’S- REUSE Stuff to Make a BIG Difference

Do you aspire to do the RIGHT things to protect Mother Earth but struggle to find what works? If your answer is yes, read on and discover surprising ways to REUSE your stuff and make little changes in your consumption choices that can make a BIG difference in providing enough resources for everyone forever.

REUSE and Make Informed Choices.

To REUSE is to keep new resources in use for a while longer -- and old resources from entering the waste stream.

Consider: Things you've acquired AND you no longer use - could be household or kitchen items or clothing.

Ask: Does this item still have life in it? How can I REUSE this resource: paper, water, product, material?

Act: Make choices to REUSE things and give them a new life. Make a rag or dish cloth out of an old t-shirt. Give your stuff away to friends or donate reusable items to thrift shops.

Ways to REUSE containers, food, paper and water:

  1. REUSE containers, bottles, jars, silicone flowers and reusable food wrap to reduce dependence on cling wrap and single-use plastic.

  2. Instead of throwing away food trimmings and scraps, make soup stock out of them.

  3. Make scratch paper pads out of paper already printed on one side.

  4. REUSE cooking water on your plants. Collect rainwater.

Be prepared to make a little change to make a BIG difference!
Katie Patrick, an environmental engineer, makes a convincing case to quit using tissues and get some handkerchiefs. In this 7-minute video "Why You should Use Handkerchiefs: Zero Waste Bathroom Tip".
Katie explains the environmental issues surrounding tree harvesting, pulp making, recycling and how tissues are contributing to tiger extinction. She also addresses the hygiene and sanitary concerns. As you watch, find answers to:

  • How many gallons of crude oil does it take per tissue box?

  • How many gallons of water is used per box?

I was so surprised by the answers, I found some beautiful hankies my mother gave me years ago, and I put them in my purse and pockets. Now they are a part of my daily REUSE routine. I’ll let you know how it goes and I would love to hear how it goes for you.

I’m always learning. Watching Katie‘s hanky video challenged me to make a little change to make a BIG difference. Putting a hanky in your pocket, saves forests, tigers, power AND 8 gallons of water and 150 ml of crude oil for every box of tissue you do NOT buy.

Writing this has reminded me of my grandmother's frugality. She would REUSE single-use plastic bags -- so they weren’t single-use for her. I grew up with the REUSE mentality. I stopped buying single-use plastic and celebrate.

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7 R'S- REPAIR Our Products as a Radical Act
