Why bother? The problem is too BIG!

So you believe the problem of climate change is too BIG for you to make a dent in it. You stopped watching the news especially anything about environmental horrors such as polar bears stranded on ice blocks, wildfires, the apocalyptic storms and floods. Oh and the 50 truckloads of trash that leave San Francisco every day headed north to landfill. This is especially alarming because San Francisco is ranked as one of the clean green cities! I’ll bet you can think of many more horrors.

And when you do watch the media, how do you feel? You may be like me - angry, confused and FRUSTRATED!
As it turns out we are not alone; 70% of Americans are worried about our environment and pollution.

So you ask, "why bother?"

  • You may have stopped bothering because you think if you order things from Amazon you can’t possibly be sustainable.

  • Or maybe you stopped sharing your concerns about the environment with your friends because they’re tired of hearing you go on and on about it.

  • But not talking about it DOESN'T keep you from feeling angry and guilty, does it?

Let’s consider another possibility. Let’s open our minds and hearts to other options that make us feel good about what we are doing and saying, whatever it may be. You ask, "Is that possible?"

The experts assure us that every bit we do matters -- the little things we do makes a BIG difference.

Watch this 7 minute video, “Takeout Creates a Lot of Trash But it Doesn't Have to”, from Climate Lab

These experts say we change the culture when we make constructive little steps. Here are some examples of little steps that made a BIG difference:

  • Apply the 7 R'S of Sustainability. Yes, 7 not just these three reduce, reuse, recycle. Check out what has been added: rethink, refuse, repair and rot. 7 R'S of Sustainability

  • When I take my reusable coffee cup to the café for my daily espresso, I’m saving 365 cups a year. In addition, the baristas take note at somebody bringing her own cup.

  • Feel empowered anytime you refuse to buy a commodity that you can get in bulk. However, it is a challenge to scoop bulk coconut oil into my jar. But I love it because I’m saving a jar and the materials that had to be extracted from mother Earth — not to mention the manufacturing, transportation and other distribution costs.

  • Which is your favorite little step that makes a BIG difference?

I’m suggesting we consider that we are responsible for the packaging that we accept. I do things like make sure packaging gets folded up and put in the recycle bin. Sometimes I take a box that something came in and reuse it for storage in my closet. I’ve even cut up boxes to use them for shelves and poster boards.

So do you want to continue feeling like a victim, thinking that it doesn’t matter what you do because all those other people aren’t being responsible?

I challenge us all to daily CHOOSE to make a BIG difference with our little choices.

Hey, it's okay to be fearful, feel overwhelmed or angry or even cynical because those are the feelings that INSPIRE us to act!

Join a community of like minded people such as the Sustainability Pathways Green Champions for remote meetings, workshops and engagement.

You are invited.