7 Remedies for Eco-Virus-Anxiety


Recently, I have been concerned that I may have what is called “Eco-Anxiety”. So, I did some research on the Internet and consulted with my colleagues to learn more about this term. My anxiety has been heightened during this Coronavirus/ COVID-19 Pandemic. I am happy share my findings and invite your comments.

What is Eco-Anxiety? Symptoms include:

  1. Feeling angry, frustrated, brokenhearted upon hearing the latest environmental threat or report on the virus

  2. Getting stressed about air and water protections being rolled back

  3. Feeling frustrated at companies who ignore their impact on the environment

  4. Feeling helpless knowing the oceans are full of our discarded plastic

  5. Wanting your trash to just disappear

  6. Thinking it's too BIG a problem to tackle

  7. Denying our influence on the unprecedented weather, fires and floods and the rapidly melting ice caps and glaciers.

I have it! In fact I have symptom numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

What do the experts have to say about Eco-Anxiety:

  • According to a Yale University survey, 70% of Americans are somewhat worried about climate change and 50% feel afraid and helpless. And a survey of both sexes found that women are more stressed by the Earth’s distress.

  • There’s a litany of mental health conditions linked directly to experiencing the impacts of climate change—whether acute or chronic—according to the American Psychological Association (APA). This includes trauma and shock, PTSD, stress on social relationships, depression, anxiety, suicide, substance abuse, aggression and violence, feelings of helplessness, fear, and fatalism.

  • Eco anxiety is: “chronic fear of environmental doom — the concern that increasing human development and pollution are leading us into an inevitable scourge of floods, famines, heat waves, species extinctions, and ultimately, the demise of our planet.

  • Eco guilt is: “The feeling you get when you could have done something for the environment, but made the decision not to for whatever reason whether you had a choice in the matter or not.”

Now, ask yourself 7 questions:
1. Do I have Eco-Anxiety?
2. What is the cause of my symptoms?
3. Can I feel the discomfort, knowing the danger that our environment is in?
4. Why should I feel the pain when I can just cover it up?
5. Am I ready to be serious?
6. Why should I do anything?
7. What will make me feel better?

Here are my answers: 1. Yes. 2. We are at risk of loosing home here on Mother Earth. 3. Yes, I can but it is painful and sad. 4. Because I know it will empower me to share with you so you will know you are not alone. 5. Yes! 6. My big why is to save our home. My little why is to make me feel better. 7. Persevering to get the word out - I can guide you to make little change the make a BIG difference.

Do not despair.

I found a myriad of paths that can lead to being sustainable, responsible and prosperous and if you are ready, here are my 7 Remedies for managing Eco-Anxiety:

  1. Acknowledge your real feelings. Feel the real existential threat to our home, Mother Earth.

  2. Make your purchasing dollars matter. Make purchases with companies that care for our people and planet. For example, share with your grocery and restaurant that you want food that is in season and from local and sustainable sources.

  3. Look inside. Clarify your interests, values and needs when you make your daily sustainability choices. Ask: What does sustainability means to me?

  4. Make a commitment. Learn more to increase your awareness of the problems and solutions.

  5. Search for "good stories." Scan the media for good stories such as companies that are making a difference to protect mother earth, including Patagonia and Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco. You can find more.

  6. Talk to a Grief Recovery Method Specialist- Hanlon Wellness and Grief Recovery is one I can recommend

  7. Create Community. Volunteer to clean up a beach or work in a local community garden. Join groups with like-minded values such as my Sustainability Pathways Green Champions, where I offer sustainability workshops and more opportunities to engage with other Green Champions.

I have found I have eco-anxiety and that is why I wrote this. It is my way of healing. The above remedies motivate me to keep on.
