Autumn is the Season to Celebrate, Harvest and Slow Down

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Since the shelter in place orders in March, I have been investing in my business and diligently writing two blogs per month, creating two new workshops every month and sending several newsletters out every month.
But starting in September, I was having persistent thoughts about not having enough time to do all of it AND about wanting to take a break.

Trying to understand this persistent "not enough-ness," I made a list of all the things I was doing and all the different hats I wore. I was CEO, CFO, CMO, blog writer, sales person, event planner and IT specialist. No wonder I was feeling overwhelmed.

I am not sure what finally did it.

  • Was it the Autumn Equinox?

  • Was it the new moon? To me new moons are a time to finish up projects and get ready to begin new ones.

Whatever it was, I finally got it - this path is not SUSTAINABLE - I have to take a break.

After a few days of upheaval when I put everything I was doing on the table, I received clarity - I am on the right path - I just needed to do less.

Most importantly, I took my own guidance and applied the 3 P’S of Sustainability to my situation with the balanced holistic perspective of People, Planet, Prosperity. I used them as a guideline as I do with my clients to create my new Sustainability Action Plan with a section for each of the 3P’S.

I am relieved to be my own guide to harvest, slow down, do less and act SUSTAINABLY.

Autumn shows me it’s time to slow down and see the beauty of letting go. As the leaves are falling and dancing, I have three months to

  • Rest

  • Implement my Sustainability Action Plan

  • Celebrate all those workshops and blogs that I wrote

  • Harvest creations and reuse them

My message is: it’s OK to take time to reevaluate and reset priorities as the days get shorter with less light is time to go within.

It’s time to harvest and take stock of the accomplishments. I appreciate all I created this year, the content in the blogs and workshops. Now I have time to rethink, reuse and recycle the work I’ve created.

Is this happening to you too? Let's talk- click here to set up a Discovery Call


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