How To STILL Be Sustainable During a Pandemic?

Do you want to know how to continue to act responsibly and sustainably during this continuing pandemic?
This pandemic has not gone away, yet. And we do not know when it will. That's why I refreshed this blog, originally published in July 2020. Even though we all have COVID fatigue, let's continue to act responsibly and sustainably during this continuing pandemic and explore what we can do during these STILL unprecedented times that may work for you.

Our mental health is at risk. We may not be conscious of it but there is STILL stress and fear that the world as we know it is coming to an end. And worse yet, the options to being sustainable have changed and so have our priorities.

For sustainable mental and emotional health during a Pandemic

  1. Be STILL - Meditate - Pray - Connect with your higher self and to yourself. Ask for guidance. Ask for specific ways you can enhance your health and strength in your immune system. Heal the darkness from within. When scary thoughts come up, acknowledge them, ask them what they have to teach you. And lay them to rest.

  2. Focus On That Which Brings You JOY. Breathe in joy and resourcefulness. Celebrate!

  3. Be Grateful for Things We Used to Take For Granted for instance, running water, fresh vegetables, walks in nature.

  4. Smile and Relax It is from the place of relaxation that our body strengthens its health and sustains its wholeness. Smile – they say you can’t be in a fearful place while you’re smiling. Check it out. Let me know how that works.

​For physical health and happiness during a Pandemic.

  1. Enhance Health in Your Home Now that we’re spending so much more time sheltering in place in our home, here is some ways make sure the air is fresh and healthy: check out your house plants --wash them off, talk to them, find out if they need to be fertilized or moved to a place with more or less light.

  2. Eat, Drink and Be Merry. Eat your food mindfully. Hydrate – in these times when our routines are turned upside down, plan to drink your desired glasses of water per day. I fill my refillable beverage containers in the morning with the amount I’d like to drink that day. (These were the containers that took to work outside my home.)

  3. Move Get your exercise inside or outside. If you are allowed to walk outdoors in your area do that, get out. Connected to nature even on our sidewalks in our city.

  4. Stay Connected In these times of physical distancing, what are some ways to sustain your need for companionship? Tips for staying connected - do the old fashion way, pick up the telephone. Remember Zoom for happy hours, knitting gatherings, co-working. Find ways to maintain engagement with the people you used to meet every day in the office.

  5. Join a Community Engage with others who share your sustainability values, including equity, inclusion and diversity with a variety of voices from all over the world. "A small, committed group of people can change the world, as Margaret Mead said. Finding a community of activists might not be as daunting as we might think. It can be as simple as finding a few like-minded people and starting a conversation." For more read, Five Practices for Working with the Immense Challenge of Climate Change. I host a community on Facebook called the Green Champions Community where we discuss Sustainability in daily live, join us.


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